
Pāloodeh-e-Kermani (Fāloodeh-e-Kermani)

Is a special deliciously refreshing sorbet made from small drops of starch, suspended in rosewater.


Is a popular and delicious naturally-carbonated yogurt drink. it is generally served with ice and a dash of mint.

Drinking alcohol is illegal, and if seen by police may be met with punishment, though available on the black market.

Soft drinks are widely available, both international makes such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and their brand names including 7up, Sprite, Fanta, etc., and local makes such as ZamZam. Note that "Coca-Cola Original" and "Pepsi Original" etc. are NOT made of original The Coca-Cola Company's and PepsiCo's ingredients and taste exactly the same as ZamZam.


Kerman have many kinds of aromatic distill's.


Is a non-alcoholic beer which you can find in the supermarkets.

Black tea (chāi, چای)

Is the national drink of alcohol-free iran. it is served strong and with crystallised or cubed sugar ghand, ù‚ù†ø¯ which is held artfully between the teeth while tea is sipped through.